Yes Cleaning Service New York

  • Yes Cleaning Service, 101 Allen St #1b, New York, NY 10002, USA
  • (212) 677-1768
  • Open 24 hours

Yes Cleaning Service is professional scrubbers with a purpose—we believe in getting in the nooks and crannies and cleaning from the inside out. We are often called upon to do the job that other companies cannot handle. We don’t do a job fast just because it needs to get done, we guarantee results and your 100% satisfaction.

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MyClean New York

MyClean, 247 West 35th Street, New York, NY, United States

+1 855-692-5326


The MyClean Story: Our story began in 2009 when we looked around and realized that there was no easy way to book a cleaning online. Through the… Read more…

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